What is the cheapest day to book a hotel?

What is the Cheapest Day to Book a Hotel?

Are you looking for the best deal on a hotel room? With so many options out there, it can be hard to know when to book and how to get the best price. Here, we’ll look at what is the cheapest day to book a hotel and how you can get the best deal.

Book on the Right Day of the Week

The best day to book a hotel is usually Tuesday or the weekend. Hotels tend to offer discounts on Tuesday, as this is the day when most people are busy with work and don’t have time to plan their trips. The weekend is also a good time to book, as hotels tend to offer discounts to attract more customers.

Try for Last Minute Deals

If you’re looking for a last minute deal, you can try to book a hotel room just a few days before your stay. Hotels often offer discounts to fill up their rooms, so if you’re flexible with your dates, you can get a great deal.

Travel Off-Season

If you’re looking for the best deal on a hotel room, you should consider traveling off-season. Hotels tend to offer discounts during the off-season, as there are fewer travelers and less demand for rooms. For example, if you’re planning a trip to the beach, you may be able to get a great deal if you travel in the winter or early spring.

Avoid Checking in on Friday

Friday is usually the busiest day of the week for hotels, so you may not be able to get the best deal if you check in on this day. If you can, try to check in on a different day, such as Tuesday or the weekend.


In conclusion, getting the best deal on a hotel room comes down to a few basic rules: Make your bookings on a more favorable day of the week (try Tuesday or the weekend), try for last minute if you can, travel off-season whenever possible, and avoid checking in on Friday. By following these tips, you can get the best deal on a hotel room and save money on your next trip.

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