What’s the cheapest time to book a holiday?

What’s the Cheapest Time to Book a Holiday?

Are you dreaming of a getaway but not sure when to book it to get the best deal? Planning ahead and booking your holiday in advance is the key to finding the cheapest holiday.

Book 10-12 Months in Advance

Booking 10-12 months in advance is the best way to get the cheapest holiday. This is because airlines and tour operators often offer discounts for early bookings. For example, if you are looking to book a holiday for 6 January 2023, you should start looking around January and February of 2022.

Look Out for Last Minute Deals

If you are flexible with your dates and can travel at short notice, you can also look out for last minute deals. Airlines and tour operators often offer discounts for holidays that are departing within the next few weeks. This is because they want to fill their seats and don’t want to fly with empty planes.

Take Advantage of Special Offers

You can also take advantage of special offers from airlines and tour operators. Airlines often offer discounts for students, seniors, and military personnel. Tour operators often offer discounts for families, couples, and groups. If you are eligible for any of these discounts, make sure to take advantage of them when booking your holiday.

Book Through a Travel Agent

Booking through a travel agent can also help you get the best deal on your holiday. Travel agents often have access to special offers and discounts that you won’t find online. They can also help you find the best flights and hotels for your budget.

Sign Up for Price Alerts

Signing up for price alerts is another great way to get the best deal on your holiday. Many websites and apps offer price alerts for flights and hotels. You can set up alerts for specific dates and destinations and you will be notified when the prices drop.

Book in the Off-Season

Booking in the off-season is another great way to get the best deal on your holiday. The off-season is usually from October to April, when there are fewer tourists travelling. During this time, airlines and tour operators often offer discounts to attract more customers.


Booking your holiday in advance is the best way to get the cheapest holiday. Look out for special offers, sign up for price alerts, and book in the off-season to get the best deal. If you are looking to book a holiday for 6 January 2023, start looking around January and February of 2022.

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