What month are hotels cheapest?

What Month are Hotels Cheapest?

As a travel expert, I am often asked what the best time of year is to book a hotel. After all, everyone wants to get the best deal possible on their accommodation. While there are many factors that can affect the price of a hotel room, one of the most important is the time of year. So, what month are hotels cheapest?

December is the Cheapest Month to Book a Hotel

When it comes to booking a hotel in the United States, the best month to get a deal is December. On average, hotel bookings are 6% cheaper during this month. This is likely due to the fact that December is typically a slower month for travel, so hotels are willing to offer discounts in order to attract customers.

March is the Second Cheapest Month to Book a Hotel

If you’re looking for a hotel deal in the United States, the second best month to book is March. This is another slow month for travel, so hotels are likely to offer discounts in order to fill their rooms.

October is the Most Expensive Month to Book a Hotel

On the other hand, October is the most expensive month to book a hotel in the United States. This is likely due to the fact that October is a popular month for travel, so hotels are able to charge higher rates due to increased demand.

Tips for Getting the Best Hotel Deals

If you’re looking to get the best deal on a hotel, there are a few tips you can follow. First, try to book your hotel as far in advance as possible. This will give you the best chance of getting a good deal, as hotels tend to increase their rates as the date of your stay approaches.

Second, be flexible with your travel dates. If you’re able to move your trip by a few days, you may be able to get a better deal. For example, if you’re looking to book a hotel in December, try to book it for the first week of the month instead of the last week. This could save you money.

Finally, take advantage of any discounts or promotions that may be available. Many hotels offer discounts for AAA members, seniors, military personnel, and more. Additionally, some hotels offer discounts if you book multiple nights or if you book through their website.


When it comes to booking a hotel in the United States, the best month to get a deal is December. On average, hotel bookings are 6% cheaper during this month. The second cheapest month to book a hotel deal is March, while October is the most expensive month to book a hotel.

To get the best deal on a hotel, try to book as far in advance as possible, be flexible with your travel dates, and take advantage of any discounts or promotions that may be available. With a little bit of planning, you can save money on your next hotel stay.

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