What month are hotels the cheapest?

What Month are Hotels the Cheapest?

When it comes to booking a hotel, you want to make sure you get the best deal possible. But, what month are hotels the cheapest? This article will provide you with the information you need to know about the best month to book domestic hotels in the United States.

December is the Cheapest Month to Book a Hotel

If you’re looking for the best month to book a hotel, then December is the time to do it. During the month of December, hotel bookings are 6% cheaper on average. This is due to the fact that December is the slowest month for hotel bookings, as people are usually busy with the holidays and not travelling.

March is the Second Cheapest Month to Book a Hotel

The second cheapest month to book a hotel deal in the United States is March. This is because the winter season is coming to an end and people are starting to plan their spring and summer trips. As a result, hotel prices tend to be lower in March.

Avoid October When Booking a Hotel

When it comes to booking a hotel, you should avoid October. This is because October is the most expensive time to book a hotel stateside. This is due to the fact that October is the peak season for hotel bookings, as people are travelling for business and leisure.


When it comes to booking a hotel, you want to make sure you get the best deal possible. To do this, you should book your hotel during the month of December or March. These are the two cheapest months to book a hotel in the United States. However, you should avoid October, as this is the most expensive time to book a hotel. By following these tips, you can save money on your next hotel booking.

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