Does jet2 price match?

Does Jet2 Price Match?

Jet2 is a popular travel company that offers flights and holidays to many destinations around the world. One of the most common questions asked by customers is whether Jet2 offers a price match guarantee. The answer is yes, Jet2 does offer a price match promise.

What is Jet2’s Price Match Promise?

Jet2’s Price Match Promise applies to holidays only (excluding accommodation/flight only bookings) that are available for sale to the general public in the UK. The Price Match Promise is only available when you have provided your quote in writing to Jet2’s agent from the Price Match Provider.

How Does Jet2’s Price Match Promise Work?

If you find a cheaper holiday package that meets the criteria of Jet2’s Price Match Promise, you can contact Jet2’s customer service team to request a price match. Jet2 will then review the quote and if it meets the criteria, they will match the price.

What Are the Criteria for Jet2’s Price Match Promise?

Jet2’s Price Match Promise applies to holidays only (excluding accommodation/flight only bookings) that are available for sale to the general public in the UK. The Price Match Promise is only available when you have provided your quote in writing to Jet2’s agent from the Price Match Provider.

The holiday package must be the same as the one offered by Jet2 and must include the same flight, accommodation, transfers, and other services. The holiday package must also be available for sale at the same time as the Jet2 package.

What Are the Benefits of Jet2’s Price Match Promise?

Jet2’s Price Match Promise is a great way to ensure that you get the best deal on your holiday package. By taking advantage of the Price Match Promise, you can be sure that you are getting the best price for your holiday package.

How Do I Contact Jet2’s Customer Service Team?

If you have any questions about Jet2’s Price Match Promise or would like to request a price match, you can contact Jet2’s customer service team by calling them on the number provided on their website.


Jet2’s Price Match Promise is a great way to ensure that you get the best deal on your holiday package. By taking advantage of the Price Match Promise, you can be sure that you are getting the best price for your holiday package. If you have any questions about Jet2’s Price Match Promise or would like to request a price match, you can contact Jet2’s customer service team by calling them on the number provided on their website.

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