How far in advance is cheapest to book a holiday?

How Far in Advance is Cheapest to Book a Holiday?

When it comes to booking a holiday, the sooner you book the better. Not only will you have the best selection of dates and destinations, but you can also benefit from some great savings. But how far in advance should you book to get the best deal?

Why Book in Advance?

Booking your holiday far in advance has many advantages. You will get the most competitive prices and may even be able to benefit from some early booking incentives, such as a free luggage allowance or room upgrade. Plus, you will have plenty of time to plan your trip and make sure you get the most out of your holiday.

When Should You Book?

If you’re an advance booker, you should be searching approximately 9 months in advance to pick up the biggest discounts. This is because tour operators and airlines tend to release their best deals around this time. However, it’s worth noting that the exact time frame can vary depending on the type of holiday you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re looking for a beach holiday in the Mediterranean, you should be booking around 12 months in advance. This is because the Mediterranean is a popular destination and there is a high demand for flights and accommodation. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a city break in Europe, you may be able to find a good deal if you book around 6 months in advance.

What About Last-Minute Deals?

It’s true that you can sometimes find some great last-minute deals, but these are few and far between. If you’re looking for a last-minute bargain, you should be checking regularly and be prepared to be flexible with your dates and destination.

How to Find the Best Deals

The best way to find the best deals is to be proactive. Start searching for your holiday as soon as you know when and where you want to go. Set up price alerts so you can be notified when prices drop and sign up to newsletters from tour operators and airlines so you can be the first to know about any special offers.


Booking your holiday far in advance is the best way to get the most competitive prices and take advantage of any early booking incentives. Generally speaking, you should be searching approximately 9 months in advance to pick up the biggest discounts. However, this can vary depending on the type of holiday you’re looking for. Last-minute deals can be found, but they are few and far between. The best way to find the best deals is to be proactive and start searching as soon as you know when and where you want to go.

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