How far out is the cheapest time to book a flight?

How Far Out is the Cheapest Time to Book a Flight?

Are you looking for the best time to book a flight? As a travel expert, I can tell you that the optimal booking window range is from 21 days to about 45 days before your trip. Prices will be lowest three to six weeks before your trip, rising rapidly in the last three weeks before departure date.

Why is the Optimal Booking Window 21-45 Days Before Your Trip?

When it comes to booking flights, the earlier you book, the better. The optimal booking window is usually three to six weeks before your trip. That’s because airlines often offer discounts and special deals during this time period. As the departure date gets closer, prices tend to rise rapidly.

How to Get the Best Deals on Flights

If you want to get the best deals on flights, it’s important to book your flight within the optimal booking window. This means booking your flight 21-45 days before your trip. You should also be sure to compare prices across different airlines and look for any special deals or discounts.

Tips for Booking Flights

Here are some tips for booking flights:

  • Book your flight within the optimal booking window (21-45 days before your trip).
  • Compare prices across different airlines.
  • Look for any special deals or discounts.
  • Be flexible with your travel dates and times.
  • Sign up for airline loyalty programs.
  • Check the airline’s website for last-minute deals.


Booking a flight can be a stressful process, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips outlined above, you can get the best deals on flights and save money. Remember, the optimal booking window is 21-45 days before your trip, so be sure to book your flight within that window to get the best prices.

Happy travels!

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