What is the cheapest day of the week to go on holiday?

What is the Cheapest Day of the Week to Go on Holiday?

Vacation packages usually include combining flights, hotels, and car rentals. They can be booked on special days to save some money. The best day of the week to book a vacation package in order to get cheaper prices are Tuesdays. The same goes for flights and other activities for your vacation.

Why Tuesdays?

Tuesdays are the best day of the week to book a vacation package for a few reasons. The first is that most airlines and travel companies tend to release their new deals and discounts on Tuesdays. This means that if you book your vacation package on a Tuesday, you can take advantage of the newest discounts and deals.

Another reason why Tuesdays are the best day of the week to book a vacation package is because it is usually the slowest day of the week for the travel industry. This means that airlines and hotels may be more willing to offer discounts and deals in order to fill up their seats and rooms.

Finally, Tuesdays are usually the least busy days for travel agents. This means that they may be more willing to spend time with you to find the best deals and discounts. They may also be more willing to negotiate prices with you in order to get your business.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals

If you are looking to get the best deals on your vacation package, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind. The first is to be flexible with your travel dates. Airlines and hotels often offer discounts for travelers who are willing to travel on certain days or at certain times.

Another tip is to be willing to shop around. Don’t just book the first vacation package that you find. Take the time to compare prices and deals from different airlines and hotels. This will help you find the best deal for your budget.

Finally, don’t be afraid to negotiate. If you find a vacation package that you like, but it is a bit more expensive than you would like, don’t be afraid to ask for a discount. Airlines and hotels are often willing to negotiate prices in order to get your business.


Tuesdays are the best day of the week to book a vacation package in order to get the best deals and discounts. Airlines and hotels often release their newest deals and discounts on Tuesdays, and it is usually the slowest day of the week for the travel industry.

In order to get the best deals, be flexible with your travel dates, shop around, and don’t be afraid to negotiate. With these tips, you can save money on your vacation package and have a great time on your holiday.

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