Canada’s Commitment to Multiculturalism

Canada's Commitment to Multiculturalism

Canada’s Commitment to Multiculturalism: Celebrating Diversity in a Beautiful Country

Canada is known for its diverse population – thanks to the country’s commitment to multiculturalism. This commitment began over 40 years ago when Canada established a policy of “multiculturalism within a bilingual framework” in 1971. Since then, the government has implemented various policies and initiatives to celebrate cultural diversity, promote acceptance and tolerance, and acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by immigrants to Canadian society.

This article explores Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism and why it is an essential part of the country’s identity. It will also provide a list of the top ten tourist attractions located across Canada’s multicultural landscape.

Why Multiculturalism Matters in Canada

Multiculturalism is a crucial part of Canada’s national identity. The country’s motto, “peace, order, and good government,” reflects its dedication to building an inclusive society where everyone is free to express their culture and traditions. Canadians take great pride in their country’s diversity and the contributions made by people of all backgrounds.

Canada’s multiculturalism policy was implemented to help preserve and promote cultural diversity while providing equal opportunity for all Canadians regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. This policy acknowledges that immigrants bring unique perspectives, experiences, and traditions to Canada’s society, enriching it in profound ways.

Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism is reflected in various aspects of Canadian life, ranging from cuisine to arts and culture. Canadians often celebrate the various cultural festivals and events held throughout the year, including Diwali, Eid al-Fitr, Hanukkah, and Chinese New Year, among others.

Canada’s Multiculturalism Policy and Its Impact

The Canadian government provides support for various initiatives to promote multiculturalism across the country. For example, the Canadian Multiculturalism Act (1988) recognizes that multiculturalism is an essential part of Canada’s identity and contributes to the country’s strength and richness.

The objectives of the Multiculturalism Act include promoting equality and respect for all Canadians, acknowledging and appreciating cultural differences, and helping develop policies and programs to enable cultural groups to realize their full potential.

There are also various organizations that exist to support multiculturalism in Canada. These organizations work to promote cultural diversity, fight discrimination, and provide guidance and assistance to newcomers to the country.

Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism has been particularly important in recent years, given global migration patterns and the increased number of refugees entering the country. Canada’s acceptance and support of these individuals have earned it an international reputation for openness and inclusivity.


Q: What is multiculturalism?
A: Multiculturalism is a policy or practice that encourages the recognition, acknowledgment, and celebration of cultural diversity within a society.

Q: When did Canada implement its multiculturalism policy?
A: Canada implemented its multiculturalism policy in 1971 as part of its official policy framework.

Q: What is the purpose of Canada’s multiculturalism policy?
A: The purpose of Canada’s multiculturalism policy is to promote and protect cultural diversity while providing equal opportunity for all Canadians.

Top Ten Tourist Attractions in Canada’s Commitment to Multiculturalism

1. Toronto’s CN Tower: This iconic tower offers beautiful views of the multicultural city of Toronto and is a must-see attraction for tourists.

2. Vancouver’s Stanley Park: Take a stroll through the beautiful park and take in its scenic views.

3. Quebec City’s Old Town: This UNESCO World Heritage site is an ideal setting to witness Canada’s profound historical roots.

4. Ottawa’s Parliament Hill: Tourists can get a glimpse of Canadian politics at this iconic site.

5. Banff National Park: This park offers breathtaking natural attractions such as glaciers, hot springs, and crystal-clear lakes.

6. Niagara Falls: A visit to Canada is incomplete without witnessing this natural wonder.

7. Montreal’s Mount Royal: The park offers beautiful views of the city with natural landscapes and impressive 360-degree scenic city views.

8. Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum: The museum’s extensive collection shows Canada’s commitment to preserving its cultural history.

9. Vancouver’s Granville Island: A must-see destination for food lovers with more than 200 vendor booths and exciting entertainment options.

10. Algonquin Provincial Park: A provincial park located in southeastern Ontario where visitors can enjoy hiking, skiing, wildlife viewing, and canoeing.


Canada is a country with immense cultural richness and diversity. Through its commitment to multiculturalism, it has become a world leader in promoting respect, equality, and celebration of cultural differences. With its beautiful destinations, Canada is the perfect place to experience the richness of multiculturalism on a travel escapade.

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