Do flight prices go down on Tuesday?

Do Flight Prices Go Down on Tuesday?

When it comes to booking a flight, the cost of the ticket can be a major factor in deciding when to travel. Many people wonder if there is a particular day of the week when flight prices are cheaper. The answer is yes, and the day is Tuesday.

Average Domestic Airfare Price by Day

The average domestic airfare price by day can vary significantly. According to a study conducted by, the most expensive day to fly is Sunday, with the average ticket costing around $487. Saturday is the second most expensive day, with an average ticket price of $482. On the other hand, the cheapest days to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday, with an average ticket price of $402 and $403, respectively.

The Cheapest Days to Depart if You’re Flying Within the U.S.

If you’re flying within the United States, the cheapest days to depart are midweek, typically Tuesday or Wednesday. According to the same study, economy tickets on Tuesdays are about 24% lower than peak prices on Sundays, which translates to savings of about $85 per ticket.

Tips for Finding the Cheapest Flight Prices

If you’re looking for the cheapest flight prices, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, try to book your flight at least two weeks in advance. Airlines tend to increase prices as the departure date approaches, so booking early can help you save money. Additionally, try to be flexible with your travel dates. Prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, so if you’re able to be flexible with your departure and return dates, you may be able to find a cheaper flight.

Finally, consider flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday. As mentioned earlier, these are typically the cheapest days to fly within the United States. Additionally, if you’re flying internationally, you may be able to find cheaper flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well.


In conclusion, Tuesdays are typically the cheapest days to fly within the United States. If you’re looking for the best deals on flights, try to book your ticket at least two weeks in advance and be flexible with your travel dates. Additionally, consider flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday to get the best prices. With a little bit of planning, you can save money on your next flight.

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