Do I get paid for bank holidays if I don’t work Mondays?

Do I get paid for Bank Holidays if I Don’t Work Mondays?

The short answer is yes, you are entitled to bank holidays even if you don’t work Mondays. This is because the law states that all employees, regardless of their working hours, should receive the same holiday entitlement as their full-time colleagues. This means that if you work part-time, you are entitled to the equivalent number of days holiday (including bank holidays) in proportion to the hours you work.

How Much Bank Holiday Entitlement Do I Have?

Your bank holiday entitlement will depend on the number of hours you work. For example, if you work four days a week, you are entitled to four bank holidays a year. If you work three days a week, you are entitled to three bank holidays a year. This is the same for all employees, regardless of their working hours.

What if I Don’t Work on a Bank Holiday?

If you don’t work on a bank holiday, you are still entitled to the same number of days holiday as your full-time colleagues. This means that you are entitled to the equivalent number of days holiday (including bank holidays) in proportion to the hours you work. Because of this, many employers give part-time employees a pro-rated bank holiday entitlement, irrespective of the days they work.

What Happens if I Don’t Get Paid for Bank Holidays?

If you don’t get paid for bank holidays, you should speak to your employer about it. The law states that all employees should receive the same holiday entitlement as their full-time colleagues, so you should be entitled to the same number of days holiday (including bank holidays) in proportion to the hours you work. If your employer is not following the law, you can make a complaint to your local employment tribunal.


In conclusion, you are entitled to bank holidays even if you don’t work Mondays. This is because the law states that all employees, regardless of their working hours, should receive the same holiday entitlement as their full-time colleagues. This means that you are entitled to the equivalent number of days holiday (including bank holidays) in proportion to the hours you work. If you don’t get paid for bank holidays, you should speak to your employer about it. If your employer is not following the law, you can make a complaint to your local employment tribunal.

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