How many days in advance is the cheapest to book a flight?

How Many Days in Advance is the Cheapest to Book a Flight?

Planning a vacation can be a stressful experience. From choosing the right destination to finding the best deals on flights, there’s a lot to consider. One of the most important questions is when to book a flight. If you’re looking for the best price, you’ll want to know how many days in advance is the cheapest to book a flight.

The Best Time to Book a Flight

According to, the best time to book a flight is between 95 and 21 days before the flight. That’s roughly three months to three weeks before the flight. During this time, prices will slowly creep downward until they reach their lowest point. After this time, you’ll likely see a last-minute spike in cost.

Why Prices Change

Airlines use a variety of factors to determine the price of a flight. These include the time of year, the destination, the demand for seats, and the availability of seats. Airlines also use dynamic pricing, which means that prices can change depending on the demand for seats. If there is high demand for a flight, the price will increase. If there is low demand, the price will decrease.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals

If you’re looking for the best deals on flights, there are a few tips you can follow. First, be flexible with your travel dates. Airlines often offer discounts for flights on certain days of the week or at certain times of the day. Additionally, consider booking a connecting flight instead of a direct flight. Connecting flights are often cheaper than direct flights. Finally, sign up for airline newsletters and follow them on social media. Airlines often offer discounts and promotions to their subscribers and followers.


Booking a flight can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips above, you can find the best deals on flights. According to, the best time to book a flight is between 95 and 21 days before the flight. That’s roughly three months to three weeks before the flight. During this time, prices will slowly creep downward until they reach their lowest point. After this time, you’ll likely see a last-minute spike in cost. So, if you’re looking for the best price, make sure to book your flight at least three weeks in advance.

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