Is booking through travel agent cheaper?

Is Booking Through a Travel Agent Cheaper?

When it comes to booking a vacation, many people are wondering if it is cheaper to book through a travel agent or to book directly with the airline or hotel. The answer, according to travel expert, Kelly Seaton, is that booking through a travel agent typically won’t cost you more.

What Does a Travel Agent Do?

A travel agent is a professional who helps you plan your vacation. They are knowledgeable about the best places to go, the best times to travel, and the best deals available. They can also help you with the logistics of planning a trip, such as booking flights, hotels, and rental cars.

Do Travel Agents Charge a Fee?

Seaton says that while some agents will charge you a nominal planning fee, many agencies like hers do not charge anything extra for their services. “We get paid a commission on the back end from the vendor, so that’s how we make our income,” she said.

Are There Any Benefits to Booking Through a Travel Agent?

Booking through a travel agent can be beneficial for a number of reasons. First, they have access to deals and discounts that you may not be able to find on your own. They also have the expertise to help you plan a trip that fits your budget and your needs.

Another benefit of booking through a travel agent is that they can provide you with personalized service. They can answer any questions you have and provide you with advice on the best places to go and the best times to travel.

Finally, booking through a travel agent can save you time. They can take care of all the details for you, so you don’t have to worry about finding the best deals or making sure all the logistics are taken care of.

Is Booking Through a Travel Agent Cheaper?

In most cases, booking through a travel agent is not necessarily cheaper than booking directly with the airline or hotel. However, the benefits of booking through a travel agent can outweigh the cost.

The convenience of having a professional take care of all the details for you can be invaluable. And, if you are able to find a deal or discount that you wouldn’t have been able to find on your own, then the cost of booking through a travel agent can be well worth it.


Booking through a travel agent can be a great way to save time and money when planning a vacation. While it may not always be cheaper than booking directly with the airline or hotel, the convenience and expertise of a travel agent can be invaluable.

So, if you are looking for a hassle-free way to plan your next vacation, consider booking through a travel agent. You may be surprised at how much time and money you can save.

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