What is the cheapest day of the week to go on holiday?

What is the Cheapest Day of the Week to Go on Holiday?

Are you looking for ways to save money on your next holiday? You may have heard that certain days of the week are cheaper to book your vacation packages, flights, and other activities. If so, you may be wondering what is the cheapest day of the week to go on holiday? The answer is Tuesdays.

Why Tuesdays are the Cheapest Day of the Week to Go on Holiday

Vacation packages, which typically include flights, hotels, and car rentals, are often cheaper when booked on Tuesdays. This is because airlines and other travel companies often release their discounted prices on Tuesdays. By booking your vacation package on a Tuesday, you can save money on the total cost of your holiday.

The same goes for flights and other activities for your vacation. Airlines and other travel companies usually release their discounted prices on Tuesdays, so booking your flights and other activities on a Tuesday can help you save money.

Tips for Booking Your Vacation on a Tuesday

If you want to save money on your vacation by booking on a Tuesday, here are some tips to help you get the best deals:

  • Start planning your vacation early. This will give you more time to compare prices and find the best deals.
  • Sign up for email alerts from airlines and other travel companies. This way, you’ll be notified when they release their discounted prices.
  • Check multiple websites for the best deals. Different websites may have different prices for the same vacation package.
  • Book your vacation package, flights, and other activities as soon as possible. Prices may go up as the date of your vacation gets closer.


If you’re looking for ways to save money on your next holiday, consider booking your vacation package, flights, and other activities on a Tuesday. By doing so, you can take advantage of the discounted prices that airlines and other travel companies often release on Tuesdays. Just remember to start planning your vacation early, sign up for email alerts, check multiple websites, and book your vacation package, flights, and other activities as soon as possible.

Happy travels!

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