Is it cheaper to go abroad in July or August?

Is it Cheaper to Go Abroad in July or August?

When it comes to planning a holiday abroad, the cost of travel can be a major factor in deciding when to go. While the best prices can usually be found between March and April or September and October, there are deals to be had before the school holidays begin in July. Travelling in June, rather than July and August, could slash your flight price by more than a third.

When is the Cheapest Time to Travel Abroad?

The cheapest time to travel abroad is generally during the ‘shoulder’ season, which falls between the peak summer months of July and August and the winter months of December and January. This is when airlines and hotels are trying to fill their seats and rooms, so they offer lower prices to attract more customers.

Is it Cheaper to Go Abroad in July or August?

It is generally cheaper to go abroad in July than August, although prices can vary depending on the destination. July is usually the start of the peak summer season, so prices tend to be lower than in August. However, if you are looking for the best deals, then travelling in June could be the best option.

How Can I Save Money on Travel in July and August?

If you are looking to save money on travel in July and August, then there are a few things you can do. Firstly, try to book your flights and accommodation as far in advance as possible. This will give you the best chance of getting the lowest prices. Secondly, look for package deals that include flights, accommodation and other activities. These can often be cheaper than booking each element separately. Finally, consider travelling during the week rather than the weekend, as prices tend to be lower on weekdays.


When it comes to travelling abroad, the cost of travel can be a major factor in deciding when to go. Generally, it is cheaper to go abroad in July than August, although prices can vary depending on the destination. To get the best deals, it is best to book flights and accommodation as far in advance as possible, look for package deals and consider travelling during the week. By following these tips, you can save money on your next holiday abroad.

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