What is the cheapest day of the week to book a hotel room?

What is the Cheapest Day of the Week to Book a Hotel Room?

Are you looking for the best deal on a hotel room? It can be a challenge to find the perfect balance between cost and convenience. Fortunately, there are a few basic rules that can help you get the best deal.

Book on a More Favorable Day of the Week

The day of the week you book your hotel room can make a big difference in the price. Generally, Tuesdays and weekends are the best days to book a hotel room. Tuesdays tend to be the cheapest day of the week to book a hotel room, as many hotels offer discounts on this day. Additionally, many hotels offer weekend discounts, so booking on a Saturday or Sunday can be a great way to save money.

Try for Last Minute Bookings

If you’re looking for a great deal on a hotel room, try booking at the last minute. Many hotels offer discounts for last minute bookings, as they want to fill their rooms. If you’re flexible with your travel dates, you can often find great deals on hotel rooms.

Travel Off-Season

If you’re looking for the best deal on a hotel room, try to travel during the off-season. Many hotels offer discounts during the off-season, as they are trying to fill their rooms. Additionally, you may find that there are fewer crowds and better prices on flights and other travel services during the off-season.

Avoid Checking in on Friday

Finally, it’s best to avoid checking in on a Friday. Many hotels charge a premium for Friday check-ins, as this is a popular day for travelers. If you can, try to check in on a different day of the week to get the best deal.


In conclusion, getting the best deal on a hotel room comes down to a few basic rules. Make your bookings on a more favorable day of the week (try Tuesday or the weekend), try for last minute if you can, travel off-season whenever possible, and avoid checking in on Friday. With these tips, you’ll be sure to find the perfect balance between cost and convenience.

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