What is the cheapest day of the week to book a hotel room?

What is the Cheapest Day of the Week to Book a Hotel Room?

Traveling can be expensive, especially when it comes to booking a hotel room. With the cost of airfare, transportation, and food, it can be difficult to save money on accommodations. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks to help you get the best deal on a hotel room.

Know the Best Days to Book

When it comes to booking a hotel room, the day of the week you choose to book can make a big difference in the price. Generally, Tuesdays and weekends are the best days to book a hotel room as they tend to have the lowest rates. This is because hotels often offer discounts on Tuesdays to fill rooms that were left empty over the weekend. Similarly, weekends tend to be the slowest time for hotels, so they offer discounts to attract more customers.

Look for Last-Minute Deals

If you’re looking for the best deal on a hotel room, it’s worth considering last-minute deals. Hotels often offer discounts on rooms that haven’t been booked in advance, so if you’re willing to take a chance and book at the last minute, you could save some money.

Travel Off-Season

Another way to save money on a hotel room is to travel during the off-season. Hotels often offer discounts during the winter months or other times when fewer people are traveling. If you’re flexible with your travel dates, this could be a great way to save money on accommodations.

Avoid Checking In on Fridays

Finally, it’s best to avoid checking in on Fridays if you’re looking for the best deal on a hotel room. Fridays tend to be the busiest day of the week for hotels, so they often charge higher rates. If you can, try to check in on a different day of the week to get the best deal.


In conclusion, getting the best deal on a hotel room comes down to a few basic rules. Make your bookings on a more favorable day of the week (try Tuesday or the weekend), try for last minute if you can, travel off-season whenever possible, and avoid checking in on Friday. By following these tips, you can save money on your next hotel stay.

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