What is the cheapest month to fly?

What is the Cheapest Month to Fly?

When it comes to planning a vacation, the cost of airfare can often be a major factor in deciding when to travel. While it’s impossible to predict the exact cost of airfare for any given month, there are certain times of year that tend to be cheaper than others. According to a recent study, the cheapest time of year to fly is typically January and February.

Why is January and February the Cheapest Time to Fly?

The main reason why January and February are the cheapest months to fly is because of the lull in travel that occurs after the holiday season. After the rush of people traveling for the holidays, airlines are often left with a surplus of seats that need to be filled. This leads to airlines offering discounted fares in order to attract more customers.

In addition, the weather in January and February is typically colder than other months, which can also contribute to lower airfare prices. Since fewer people are willing to travel in the winter months, airlines have to offer lower fares in order to entice travelers.

When is the Best Time to Book a Flight?

The best time to book a flight is typically around January 8th. According to the study, prices swing from the most expensive three-week stretch of the year to the cheapest “virtually overnight” around this time.

However, it’s important to note that the exact cost of airfare can vary depending on the airline, the route, and other factors. As such, it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare prices before booking a flight.

Tips for Finding Cheap Flights

If you’re looking for ways to save money on airfare, there are a few tips you can follow.

First, try to be flexible with your travel dates. The day of the week and the time of day can have a major impact on the cost of airfare. For example, flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be cheaper than flights on Fridays and Sundays.

Second, consider flying into alternate airports. Many cities have multiple airports, and flying into a smaller airport can often be cheaper than flying into the main airport.

Finally, try to book your flight as far in advance as possible. Airlines typically offer discounted fares for flights booked at least 21 days in advance.


Overall, the cheapest time of year to fly is typically January and February. This is due to the lull in travel that occurs after the holiday season, as well as the colder weather. The best time to book a flight is typically around January 8th, but it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare prices before booking. Additionally, there are a few tips you can follow to save money on airfare, such as being flexible with your travel dates, considering alternate airports, and booking your flight as far in advance as possible.

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