What is the cheapest month to go on holiday?

What is the Cheapest Month to Go on Holiday?

Travelling is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be expensive. Knowing when to travel can make a big difference in how much you pay for your holiday. If you’re looking for the best deals, it pays to know when the cheapest months to travel are.

May, June, and September

May, June, and September are generally considered to be a lot cheaper than travelling in July and August. These months are considered the “shoulder season” for travel, which means that the prices are lower than the peak season. This is because there are fewer people travelling during these months, so airlines, hotels, and other travel providers can offer discounts to attract customers.

Advantages of Travelling in the Shoulder Season

Travelling in the shoulder season has a number of advantages. For one, the prices are lower, so you can save money on your holiday. You’ll also find that there are fewer crowds, so you can enjoy your holiday without having to fight for space or wait in long lines. Additionally, the weather is usually milder during these months, so you can enjoy your holiday without having to worry about extreme temperatures.

Disadvantages of Travelling in the Shoulder Season

The main disadvantage of travelling in the shoulder season is that some attractions may be closed. This is especially true in Europe, where many attractions close during the winter months. Additionally, some destinations may not be as lively during the shoulder season, so you may miss out on some of the local culture and atmosphere.

When is the Best Time to Book?

The best time to book your holiday is at least two months in advance. This will give you the best chance of getting the best deals and avoiding any last-minute price hikes. Additionally, booking in advance will also give you more time to plan your holiday and make sure that you get the most out of your trip.


May, June, and September are generally considered to be the cheapest months to go on holiday. These months are considered the “shoulder season” for travel, which means that the prices are lower than the peak season. Travelling in the shoulder season has a number of advantages, such as lower prices and fewer crowds. However, some attractions may be closed and some destinations may not be as lively during the shoulder season. The best time to book your holiday is at least two months in advance to get the best deals and avoid any last-minute price hikes.

Happy travels!

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