What month is the cheapest to book flights?

What Month is the Cheapest to Book Flights?

Are you looking for the best time to book flights for the lowest fares? The answer depends on whether you’re looking for domestic or international flights.

Domestic Flights

If you’re looking for the lowest fares on domestic flights, the best time to book is in January. Prices tend to be lower during this time of year due to fewer people travelling domestically. This is because many people are still recovering from the holiday season and don’t have the funds to travel.

International Flights

For international trips, you’ll find the cheapest fare in August. This is because August is the off-season for many popular international destinations. Prices tend to be lower during this time of year as airlines are looking to fill seats on flights.

Tips for Finding the Cheapest Flight

Here are some tips to help you find the cheapest flight possible:

  • Book your flight as early as possible. Airlines tend to raise prices as the departure date approaches.
  • Be flexible with your travel dates. Prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week you travel.
  • Look for deals and discounts. Airlines often offer special deals and discounts on flights, so keep an eye out for these.
  • Compare prices across different airlines. Different airlines offer different prices, so make sure to compare prices before booking.
  • Sign up for airline newsletters. Airlines often send out special offers and discounts to their subscribers.


When it comes to finding the cheapest flight, the best time to book depends on whether you’re looking for domestic or international flights. For the lowest fares on domestic flights, travel in January. But for international trips, you’ll find the cheapest fare in August. Keep these tips in mind when booking your next flight and you’ll be sure to find the best deal possible.

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