Will TUI shops match online prices?

Will TUI Shops Match Online Prices?

TUI is one of the world’s leading travel companies, offering customers a wide range of holiday packages, excursions and experiences. With over 1,500 stores worldwide, customers can easily book their holiday in person or online. But what happens if a customer finds a better price for the same excursion elsewhere? Will TUI shops match online prices?

TUI Value Guarantee

The answer is yes. TUI has a value guarantee which means that if a customer finds the exact same excursion from another provider at a better price, TUI will refund the difference between the two offers. This guarantee applies regardless of whether the customer has booked the excursion in advance at a travel agency, with a local rep or online.

How Does the Value Guarantee Work?

The value guarantee is simple and straightforward. If a customer finds a better price for the same excursion, they must contact TUI within seven days of making their booking. They must provide evidence of the better price, such as a screenshot or a link to the website. TUI will then investigate the claim and, if it is valid, will refund the difference in price.

What Does the Value Guarantee Cover?

The value guarantee covers all excursions booked with TUI, regardless of whether they are booked in person or online. It also applies to any additional services or extras that are included in the excursion, such as transfers or meals.

What Doesn’t the Value Guarantee Cover?

The value guarantee does not cover any additional services or extras that are not included in the excursion, such as flights or accommodation. It also does not cover any excursions that are not booked with TUI, such as those booked with a third-party provider.


TUI’s value guarantee means that customers can be sure that they are getting the best possible price for their excursion. If they find a better price elsewhere, they can contact TUI and they will refund the difference. This guarantee applies regardless of whether the customer has booked the excursion in advance at a travel agency, with a local rep or online.

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