What month are hotels cheapest?

What Month are Hotels Cheapest?

As a travel expert, I know that finding the best hotel deals can be tricky. There are so many factors to consider, such as location, amenities, and of course, the price. Knowing when to book a hotel can make a big difference in how much you pay. In this blog post, I’m going to share my advice on what month are hotels cheapest.

December is the Cheapest Month to Book Domestic Hotels

When it comes to finding the best deals on domestic hotels, December is the best month to book. According to a recent study, hotel bookings during the month of December are 6% cheaper on average. This is a great time to find great deals on hotels, especially if you’re looking to travel during the holiday season.

March is the Second Cheapest Month to Book a Hotel

If you’re not able to travel during December, the next best month to book a hotel is March. This is the second cheapest month to book a hotel deal, and it’s a great time to find great deals on hotels. Many hotels offer discounts during this time of year, so it’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a good deal.

Avoid October for Hotel Bookings

On the other hand, October is the most expensive time to book a hotel stateside. This is because many people are traveling during this time of year, so hotels tend to raise their prices. If you’re looking for the best deals, it’s best to avoid booking a hotel during October.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for the best deals on domestic hotels, December and March are the best months to book. December is the cheapest month to book a hotel, while March is the second cheapest. On the other hand, October is the most expensive time to book a hotel, so it’s best to avoid booking during this time of year. I hope this blog post has been helpful in finding the best deals on hotels. Happy travels!

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