What time of day are hotel prices cheapest?

What Time of Day Are Hotel Prices Cheapest?

As a travel expert, I’m often asked when the best time is to book a hotel room for the lowest rate. The answer is simple: wait until 4 p.m. for the best last-minute hotel deals.

The Benefits of Last-Minute Hotel Bookings

If you’re looking for a rock-bottom hotel rate, waiting until the very last minute to book can really pay off. While airfares tend to rise as your travel date approaches, it’s the opposite with hotel prices.

Hotel owners want to fill their rooms and they’re willing to offer discounts to do so. That’s why you’ll often find the best deals on hotel rooms if you wait until the last minute.

Why 4 p.m.?

So why 4 p.m.? That’s when most hotels post their last-minute deals. They know that travelers who haven’t booked a room yet are likely to be looking for a deal.

Hotels also want to fill their rooms before the evening rush. That’s why they often offer discounts for same-day bookings.

How to Find Last-Minute Deals

The best way to find last-minute hotel deals is to use an online travel site. Most sites have a “last-minute deals” section where you can find discounted rates.

You can also check the hotel’s website directly. Many hotels offer discounts for same-day bookings.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals

When looking for last-minute hotel deals, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

First, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Many hotels are willing to offer discounts if you ask.

Second, don’t be afraid to book a room at a less-than-ideal hotel. Many hotels offer discounted rates for last-minute bookings, so you may be able to find a great deal even if the hotel isn’t your first choice.

Finally, be flexible with your travel dates. Hotels are more likely to offer discounts for last-minute bookings if you’re willing to stay on a weekday instead of a weekend.


If you’re looking for a great deal on a hotel room, waiting until the last minute can really pay off. Hotels are often willing to offer discounts for same-day bookings, so be sure to check for last-minute deals at 4 p.m. You can find these deals on online travel sites or on the hotel’s website.

And don’t forget to negotiate! Many hotels are willing to offer discounts if you ask. With a little bit of flexibility and some savvy shopping, you can find a great deal on a hotel room.

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